Every resident of Neshaminy School District 18 years of age & older must pay this tax. The only exoneration from this tax is if your total income from ALL sources is less than $5,000 during the 12 month period preceding the date of the bill. Examples of income: Wages or salary, social security, pension, dividends, annuities, interest, retirement, disability, public assistance, unemployment compensation, property rent, & gifts.
All delinquent real estate taxes as of 12/31 will be liened with Bucks County Tax Claim Bureau
where additional penalties and interest will incur.
Bucks County Tax Claim Bureau
55 E Court Street, 5th Floor
Doylestown PA 18901
*Delinquent Trash/Refuse will be filed with Lower Southampton Township 215-357-7300.
Read more about Tax Claim and delinquent tax procedure by clicking below.
The Local Tax Collection Law, Section 10 (d)(2)- A tax collector shall not refuse to accept payment tendered or postmarked by the United States Postal Service in a timely manner pursuant to this subsection. (emphasis added)
When tax documents are sent by regular mail, the “postmark rule” generally applies, when the payment is received after the due date. This means that the postmark date is used to determine if the payment was mailed on or before the tax deadline.
If you are waiting until the due date to mail your payment, you should personally witness the postmark being placed on your envelope. If a payment is received with a late or missing postmark the penalty must be added (or loss of discount). As required for audit, strict adherence to the “postmark policy” is required by the taxing districts and documentation must be held by the Tax Collector to “prove” proper mailing when a payment is accepted at discount or face, after the due date.
Please know that some mail is not postmarked by the USPS and dates on the items below are NOT acceptable for purposes of “proof of timely mailing”.
* Metered mail (pitney bowes)
* Pre-canceled stamps
* Automated Postal Center stamps- stamps that are purchased at self-service kiosks at Post Offices.
* FedEx, UPS, etc is not postmarked. If utilizing this service you must make sure that the shipping date is prior to the due date.
* Permit imprint postage (online bill payments from your bank are typically sent this way. These payments can take 5 or more business days to reach the tax office.
You must make sure to schedule your payment with enough time. The date of scheduling does not suffice as timely made! When scheduling your online bill payment, if it shows delivery of your online bill payment after the due date, it is best to send or hand deliver a personal check)
Online: Through your personal on-line banking account.
Initiate a payment and your bank will pay it directly to the Tax Office.
Stamped Receipt Requested: Return entire bill with payment and self-addressed stamped envelope.
Postdated checks: Checks are processed upon receipt
Returned checks: Returned checks are not considered timely payments.
Escrow Account: If a bank or mortgage company pays your real estate taxes, forward the tax bill to them upon receipt.
After December 15th: Only official bank checks or money orders will be accepted.
After December 31st: Liens are filed on all unpaid real estate taxes & refuse.
School Installment Payment Options
The combined total of the 3 installment payments equals the face amount of the tax bill.
The 1st installment must be received or postmarked by 7/31 in order to participate in the installment program. After the 1st installment is received, you are required to pay the installments and cannot receive the discount.
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